Frequently asked questions
How difficult is it to rent a house in Black River Falls, WI
There are currently 0 houses available for rent which fluctuated 0.00% over the last 30-day period for Black River Falls.
What are the rental costs for houses in Black River Falls, WI?
The median rent in Black River Falls is $487. That's $982 below the national average rent of $1,469.
How does HotPads make it easier to find a rental home in Black River Falls, WI?
Our in-depth filtering with keyword searches allows you to target exactly what you're looking for in and near the Black River Falls, WI area. We surface the largest marketplace of home rentals to search through, so you can feel confident you'll find the best of available houses for rent in Black River Falls. When new house listings come on-market, our recommended searches will notify you in real-time, giving you an advantage to contact landlords and property managers as fast as possible.
What are some general demographics of Black River Falls, WI?
- Median Age: 41
- Median Household Income: $48,934
- Total Population: 9,677
- Percent renters: 33%
- Percent homeowners: 67%